Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah
Dear Mom and Dad: Greetings from Summer Camp. I mean Winter Camp. I mean Day Camp, because the whole year is just one single day. Anyway, my cabin counselor said we all had to write to our parents tonight. How are you? I am fine. I would like to say that I’m spending my time engaged in serious clinical work in support of the National Science Foundation’s mission in Antarctica. However, since you’ve been my folks for lo these sixty years, you would know that my attention span, while good when needed, drifts elsewhere at the first opportunity to do so. As does this letter. It may surprise you to learn that not everything we do at the Pole is in pursuit of knowledge and learning. There’s plenty of down time, and one can only contemplate time, geography, climate, the cosmos, and how to work the World’s Oldest Betamax Machine so much before your mind longs to do something less taxing. The small numbers of us here o...