Fire...oh, wait, I had to cut that part...and Ice (with apologies to Pat Benatar)
Faithful readers (of which I’m not sure there’s any except me, and that’s mostly just to assure myself that I’ve been doing something other than watching old movies and eating starches) will have noticed that I posted nothing in July and minimally in August. These months were the start of the doldrums, a time when I couldn’t get motivated to do anything creative. The research tells us that the third quarter of an Antarctic winter stay has the highest incidence of winter-over syndrome, with insomnia, irritability, depression, and withdrawal dominating our interactions and behaviors. The months are even named things like Angry August and Stabby September. Despite knowing what might happen, and even telling others about Winter-Over Syndrome so we could watch out for each other, I nonetheless chomped down on the bait of sloth. It’s not like we didn’t do anything…we’ll talk about some of these events in a moment. But on a daily basis, the combination of i...