Sunset was official at 12:54 New Zealand time on Thursday, March 23. I was up early in the day to see the last sliver of our solar companion begin its’ final plunge below the horizon. I can’t honestly tell you it was a particularly remarkable sunset, or a sunset more or less spectacular than one you might see elsewhere in the world. What made this sunset different is that it’s the only one I’ll even see in Antarctica. There are no 24 hours cycles hereof dark and light, just one long day and one long night; and today the former has ended and latter has just begun. There are three unique holidays we celebrate at the Pole. Like druids of old, we celebrate sunset, mid-winter, and sunrise. We do not, however, prance about naked with ribbons and streamers in the forest. For one, there is no forest. Second, nobody should ever prance naked near the Pole, because while I won’t speak for every over-winter physician there’s no way I’m going...